Tired of Rodents Invading Your Living Space?

Make an appointment for rodent eliminator services in the Discovery Bay & Pleasant Hill, CA area

Who We Are

Who are Trap N Rodents Rodent Proofers?

Our proprietary process, here at Trap N Rodents Rodent Proofers looks closely at the total picture, top to bottom, inside and out. We carefully conduct a home inspection of your property looking for potential entry points and signs of pest activity that are often difficult to detect. This comprehensive rodent inspection is the only way to determine the real root of a rodent problem, as well as the best way to solve it.

Offering Protection for Homes of All Sizes

We'll stop rodents from getting into your home

Don't Let Rodents Run Wild in Your Home

Partner with an experienced rodent control company in the Discovery Bay & Pleasant Hill, CA area

Rodents seek out safe and warm places to nest. Unfortunately, that can make your home the ideal target. When you need a rodent control service, look no further than Trap N Rodents Rodent Proofers. Our rodent elimination company helps homeowners throughout Discovery Bay & Pleasant Hill, CA keep rodents outside where they belong.

We can get rid of rats, mice, skunks and raccoons with our rodent removal services. Once we've got your home clear of these pests, we'll come and clean up any leftover droppings for you as part of our rodent dropping cleanup services.

Contact us to learn more about our rodent elimination services.

Why work with us?

At Trap N Rodents Rodent Proofers, your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. We won't leave until we've solved your rodent problem for good.

You can count on our rodent elimination company because we:

  • Have over 10 years of experience
  • Work quickly and efficiently
  • Use high-end equipment
  • Never cut corners or rush a job
  • Pay attention to the minor details
Plus, you can get a free consultation on any of our services.

Stop rodents in their tracks

The best way to avoid a rodent problem is by preventing them from entering your home. That's why our team provides thorough rodent and rat-proofing services.

We'll inspect your entire home to find and fix areas where rodents could get in. Then, we'll monitor these areas with traps to make sure our solutions are working.

Call us to have our team rat-proof your home.

About Us and Our Methods

No chemical sprays or poisons

Rats, and other rodents are common pests that we all know are rabies vectors and carry other dangerous diseases. While poisons are commonly used to exterminate rodents on the outside of buildings, they rarely deliver a full and lasting solution for your rodent management. Our system of wildlife control is simple and thorough, our experts can quickly identify entryways and travel routes including plumbing and sewer, vents and drain pipes, knowing with confidence that a swift resolution to your home's rodent issues is assured.

We have been successfully removing rodents and other wildlife for over 10 years and offer a 100% two year guarantee on our services.
The main reason we don't use chemical sprays or poisons when removing rodents is simple: our method works better. We first identify entry and exit points in your home with our years of experience using old-fashioned skills that have been passed down for generations. We then seal escape routes and trap the rodents. Our rodent elimination process is safe, effective, fast, and humane. If you are experiencing or suspect any issues with rodents, call us today for a free consultation.

Don't eliminate your rodents using pest control companies. Pest control companies use poisons and pesticides slowing your rodent issues not solving your problems by charging you monthly fees for trapping and using poison and pesticides to slowly control them leaving them to decompose and rot in your walls, attics and crawl spaces. At TRAP N RODENTS, we are Rodent Proofers that get rid of all your problems by sealing your home like a box eliminating all entry points for rodents. We protect your home top to bottom by sealing roof bonnets, roof coves, lifted loose flashing, lifted shingle, tile bonnet, roof vents, attic vents, box eave gaps, brick veneer vents, rotted gutter gaps, voids at gutter lines, corners of gutters that meets with sidings all the way to your siding and foundation gaps, HVAC lines, cable lines, bottom vents, garage door seals, door gaps, sewer waste lines, any entry points for rodents leading into your home--fully proofing your home. After proofing is complete we will set our traps and monitor them for two weeks straight until we have no activity. We don't control your rodents, we get rid of them for good. We do not use any poison or pesticides. We are family-safe, pet-safe, environmentally-safe and we guarantee you will be rodent free. We eliminate all rodent problems for good. Get your house sealed like a box by one of our professionals. Call us for a free inspection 925-308-4060.